Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Retail Training In India

Retail probably is the biggest customer interface industry and worldwide marred by little education at front end level. 8% share in total employment in India and 80% attrition. Could translate into huge employment opportunities for many.
After recruitment, training seems to be a large opportunity in this space which many are looking at. So we have many training schools focussed on retail.
As a retailer what perhaps I would look for is customised training for my front end team, ability to successfully circumvent the 'just looking', and be able to advise. Seems like a great challenge! Also, as far as I know very little customisation is happening in the retail training space. SO there definitely seems to be a gap.
Also, a standardisation of knowledge and skills might be required. Groups like RAI (Retailers' Association of India) could look at certification for front end and supervisory levels just like they are trying to raise the bar for retail education in B Schools.

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